Brewery Omer Vander Ghinste

In the heart of Bellegem, Kortrijk, there's the Omer Vander Ghinste brewery that has been there since 1892. The brewery is the heartbeat of the village, enriching its life and identity.

To support the increased production, architects D'hondt Beyens Goesaert and Claeys/Haelvoet designed a new brewhouse opposite the historic Art Deco building that has housed the family business since 1929. The site features buildings from different eras, reflecting the generations of the Vander Ghinste family. The new extension, with its upper and lower brewhouses, has doubled production capacity. Its design harmonises with both its grand Art Deco neighbour and the surrounding village houses, creating a welcoming flow for visitors. The weathered brick facade gives the brewhouse the feel of a grand villa, despite its industrial nature.

Now pedestrianised, the brewery site is a popular destination for walkers and cyclists. Visitors can explore the upper brewhouse, where ingredients are displayed in wooden installations, highlighting Vander Ghinste's traditional brewing methods. The new brewhouse showcases the family's cultural heritage and brewing expertise, a testament to a legacy built for future generations.

Visiting the brewery is encouraged, for more info, visit their website.